Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Master of Business Administration (MBA)
The general objective of the MBA program is to provide students with knowledge, analytical ability, managerial skills, and competence that is needed for leadership positions in organizational settings characterized by a diverse workforce, rapid technological change, and competitive business environment in local, and regional and global market dynamics. In view of this, the following represents the specific objectives of the program:
- Prepare students to become competent managers that will assume pivotal positions of responsibility and perform a wide variety of business assignments and duties in the private and public sectors of the country
- To ensure academic quality and relevance in Management Studies which has strategic importance to the development of Ethiopia
- Expose students to the various advanced theories and practices in business management, finance, and marketing and investment.
- Produce competent, knowledgeable professionals who will contribute to the development and transformation of the country's business sector in line with the nation's Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP).
- Supply the industry and employers with graduates of high caliber who would be able to fuel the expansion and development of the industrial sector (locally, regionally, and globally).
- Produce future consultants, policymakers, analysts, leaders, and notable individuals who will be able to manage multinational business firms as well as local firms.
- Equip graduates with skills to understand and respond to the fast-changing business environment and prepare competent, flexible, adaptive, and visionary business leaders.
- To create access to those who possess graduate degree qualifications in disciplinary areas of strategic importance for national development.
- To provide access to the undergraduate students to pursue in higher-level master’s program