Bachelor of art Degree in Management

Bachelor of art Degree in Management
Management Process
There are five phases in the management process. Each phase must be treated with caution and must be given attention. They are equally important.
Setting objectives:
The first phase in the management process is setting objectives. Without having a goal to chase, all other phases are useless. You must understand what you want and how it affects your values and output. Your goals and objectives must be achievable.
Planning is another crucial phase in the management process. After setting your goals and objectives, planning comes in. Planning is designing ways to achieve your objectives. You evaluate the resources that you have and how they can be effectively utilized.
Objectives are set and planning done; the next is execution. This is the phase where the plans in phase 2 are executed.
Phase 4 is the measurement. Relevant data are recorded as regards the execution of the plan. The recorded data are then compared with the expected data. Performance can be evaluated, and errors can be noticed.
This is the last phase of the management process. This is where all the errors in other phases can be rectified. You can re-strategize and revisit your plans at this stage. You can also define how you execute your plans.
These phases are equally important. If you skip the first phase, it will be hard to follow up with the other phases. The same thing applies when you skip planning and move to execution.
A good management skill makes your work easy and coordinated.